Monday 3 January 2011

OCA while waiting for outcomes

I am awaiting an answer from Buckingham New University about all the things that happened in OCA. If Buckingham New University tries to cover for the OCA, I will feel free and justified to continue at a different level. When I mentioned being a sniper for the biathlon, it is means training for the Olympics reserve team, running (cross country skiing) hundreds of km and then shooting with enough accuracy to hit a squirrel in the eye – my worst result was 99 from 100. If you think that all sportsmen have no brains, then you are very wrong ;) And, of course, to do sport at this level, you must be the fort of person who never gives up.
I have some spare time to explain to people my opinions of the standards and level of the OCA – mostly for East Europeans, because you all have had a better education and a higher level of qualification than is normal in the UK (just look at the international education league tables). Education was one of the reasons why I chose to move to France from England, the other being the medical service (I have a young child and I am good mother, I want the best for my children; my other two my sons have already finished higher education and run successful businesses; they even manage support their poor mother). I assume that I do not need to explain for any non UK people how poor the medical services in the UK is.
When you choose a university, always look at how high it is in the university league tables (, because now a lot of companies do not employ people with degrees from universities from the lower part of the list (you should really go for one in at least the top 15 or 20 in your area of study or, go to one that has always been a university for many years, not a converted technical college or polytechnic) and you should finish your degree with at least an upper second or first.
As for a masters: at some universtities you do not even need a first degree at all to apply for a masters, look at Bath spa for example. If you bullshit enough and produce a portfolio to go with it, you are in. So, what is the point of wasting time in the OCA, if you can go to do a masters at a proper university?
I looked at the biography of my tutor again – oh my God! I was really ashamed to even mention that she was my tutor for a few months ( although, to be fair, she never had time to speak to me properly). It seems to me that her sort of “art” is just made for pseudo- intellectuals (people who like to think that they are in some way superior) to talk in a correct language at dinner parties and receptions to reassure each other that they are, indeed, better than the rest; it also serves a purpose in allowing the rest of the world to laugh and deride art – but this has the danger of lumping all contemporary art into one stagnant lump, so that people assume that all art is now pointless and meaningless.
If the OCA administration was not as poor as they are at politics, they could have just given to me new tutor and I would have carried on with the course and would not have got the time or inclination to chat on the forum, because I would have already known everything I wanted from there, but I was sent there by Khatir and found out the level of the OCA – I would have carried on believing the OCA was as good as their book. And after the first course I might have moved to a proper university or they could have dropped me for a more suitable reason. But no, they needed to show off – students are just nobodies and the OCA is as powerful as gods, we can do whatever we want. Ironically, we spoke on the forum about Stalin’s regime, freedom of speech and another negative freedoms. So, it seems, the OCA is run by little Stalins who remove everyone who has an opinion that is not in line with the Party dictates. Wow, what an ART!
I am moving on with my life. I have started courses for learning a technical level of English, because, for the university that I have chosen, I need a better knowledge of English and, next year, I will apply.
And please, dear “somebody”, do not call my phone and try speak French to me. I have an internet phone and it is spam free. As French generally speak with each other on mobiles, landlines are left for officials. My best friend (even though she was born in Ger, she spent nearly all her life in Paris), when she picks up her landline phone, always talks in English and hopes they go away – and they do. French officials do not like to speak English – she learned this trick from me ;)

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